Volunteer as a Lighthouse Foundation representative, raise your own funds and come help promote the work in your country and raise awareness and support for the work in India! Please contact us on How to Help and Get Involved:
Invite us
If you would like a representative to come to your small group, church, or business to share on the opportunities to serve in Lighthouse Foundation, we will be happy to come and speak, preach, and share to your group. Please call our office to schedule. As all the work we are involved in located throughout North India , we want…
Recommend us
Please share with your friends, family and business acquaintance about Lighthouse Foundation and about our work in India! Please like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram & Twitter, and subscribe to our videos on YouTube. Follow Minister Karan as he shares the Word in his blog! View this post on Instagram A post shared by Lighthouse Foundation (@lighthouseasia) Please contact us on…
Come & Serve
We invite teams to come and serve on short term mission trip to our campus. We welcome you and your team to come, we have been praying for many to come, it’s time to come and see first-hand what you are invested in. We will provide all the accommodations for you and team while you are with us, we have…
Pray For us
Prayer is the foundation of every Christian Believer and our Organization. We have prayer groups that are running during the course of the week in various parts of North India. There are different ways for you to pray for us. You can pray for our : Please contact us to know more:
North India lacks resources but with the time people are getting educated. The life style is improving and even the potential is coming out. One thing that we know that there is lot of potential. And it is great that you are interested in getting involved. Please contact us to know more:
Help us in Construction
Help us in the Construction of: Please contact us to know more:
Be An Ambassdor
Mission-minded people with a heart for India. Job-description: represent Lighthouse Foundation in your local community by: Please contact us on How to Help and Get Involved: I have read the job description summary of a Lighthouse Ambassador. I pledge to give of my Time, Influence, Money, and Expertise [TIME] to help fulfill the mission of Lighthouse Foundation.
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About Us
Lighthouse Foundation ministry is all about Spreading the Light of Gospel of Lord Jesus Christ & transforming lives both Physically and Spiritually. As a family of God, we are committed to share the gospel of Christ with lost men, women as well as with children in Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana and Punjab and throughout India who are still waiting to…